Meet Sherri

As children, my siblings and I were excited when the department store Christmas catalog arrived in the mail. My 4 brothers and 3 sisters marked the toys they wanted. Not me. I was concerned about the latest bedroom and other furniture options.
If only Santa could bring me the bed with a canopy, the dresser, the chest of drawers, and the vanity. Oh, and a bookcase and toy chest. Finally, I could have a space for everything. I would know exactly where all my stuffed lived.
That fantasy was short lived. Even if Santa delivered it all, where would I have put it? We barely had room for 10 people in the house. However, living in a household of 10, I learned the benefits of a decluttered, organized, and clean environment.
I was involved in many school activities as a teenager and I had responsibilities at home. During college, I could not study without my apartment clean and tidy. I didn’t know it at the time, but as a young person I was using processes to make juggling chores, sports teams, studying and life orderly and run smoother.
A healthy environment is beneficial in all aspects of our life. My definition of a healthy environment is one that is free from clutter, organized, and clean. The only thing that has changed from childhood is now I share the benefits of a healthy environment through Organizing Important Matters.
Everyone benefits when they live, work, and play in a healthy space.